Today I published a small project to measure voltage with an Arduino. This has great use for checking the battery of your
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Today I added a page with a resistor color coding explanation. If you need a resistor use this sheet for finding the
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The holiday last week gave me the opportunity to shop in a little electronics, RC and other things store. I
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The Arduino wireless APC220 project is now published on to share it to a broader public. See
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Display test project
Today I published an article about a test with the Matrix Orbital LK202-25-WB display. In this test the display is
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GPS project added
To know where the robot is in the outside world I want to mount a GPS receiver on the ‘head’
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Today was the start of the Robocup Dutch Open 2012. A five day event with demonstrations and competions from robot
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New Cover
The telepresence robot needed a cover on the front end of the robot. This was completely made of sheets and profiles of
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Telepresence robot pictures
I made some pictures of my telepresence robot so far. The covers are not on to let you see the inside.
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Today I added a video at the YouTube playlist. It’s not world news, but it’s nice to see. Twenty Nao
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